Mmmm coffee. Nectar of the gods. The reason I am functioning in the morning. And now with Green Mountain Coffee you can feel good about the great tasting coffee you are drinking. Why? Fair Trade, baby!
"Fair Trade certification gives farmers a fair price for their beans with a guaranteed minimum, which means they can invest in their crops, their communities, and their future. Fair Trade also lets Green Mountain Coffee® and farmers work closely together to bring the best tasting coffee to market."
So, yes, that cup of coffee you brewed in your Keurig helps the farmers DIRECTLY.
I got to try these flavors for free thanks to BzzAgent and was amazed at the delicious strong taste of the Three Continent Blend, but I think my favorite is the Sumatran Reserve. Rich, bold, and delicious, it was quite wonderful!
Check out the Fair Trade Story (http://choosefairtrade.com/fair-trade-story), Kelly Clarkson's travelogue, and get yourself some discounted k-cups directly from ChooseFairTrade.com!